The Institute of Asian Studies starts the Japanese Language Classes from 1st April 2015. The classes will be conducted by the native Japanese teachers who are proficient in Teaching Japanese as a Foreign Language.
The classes will be held at the premises of the Institute of Asian Studies in Chemmencherry, Chennai-6000119 on all working days. The duration of the introductory shall be four months.
Those who want to join may register now.
Dr. G. John Samuel
Institute of Asian Studies
Chemmancherry, Sholinganallur P.O
Chennai - 600 119
Tamil Nadu, India
Phone : 24501851, 24500831
Mobile : 9840526834
E-mail :
Website : |
Program in Indian Languages and Literature
The IAS Program in Indian Languages and Literature, a significant component of the Institute of Asian Studies, offers introductory and advanced courses in Tamil, Japanese, Telugu and Kannada both at the introductory and advanced levels. The duration of the introductory course is four months. The duration of the advanced course is six months. Intensive courses also will be arranged for one months and two months respectively to foreign students.
In addition to this, special courses in Tamil Language are arranged for the Tamil diaspora living in various countries and islands such as Mauritius, Reunion, Fiji, etc., with a view to teach them Tamil language, literature and culture.
We are also conducting special courses in Tamil Literature and Culture through English Language and the students have the options to choose their areas in Tamil Literature or Culture for their specialisation such as Cankam Literature, Devotional Poetry, Modern Literature Saivism, Buddhism, Vaishnavism, Jainism, Kaumara Studies, Cankam Polity, Social life under the Cholas, Pallavas, etc.
Ph.D. programmes may also be arranged for candidates on all aspects of South Indian Studies. Those who are interested may contact the Director for further details.
